Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Charlie Chaplin

To begin your introduction to silent film, start out with Charlie Chaplin. He is the most widely recognized, therefore, the most widely available. The problem with pretalkies is that they are VERY hard to find out in the wild; everyone these days wants mediocre drivel. Don't believe the hype that these films are boring, you just haven't found your silent soulmate yet. Charlie Chaplin is also a great pick for your silent viewing pleasure because he does shorts! So if sitting around watching a two hour and forty minute film where there is no audible dialogue is not your cup of tea, a 15-20 minute short shouldn't be a torture session. Plus, Charlie is entertaining and the cutest ever so building up your tolerance is enjoyable in the process.
Love of silent films comes naturally. Of course, Mr. Chaplin isn't for everyone. So if you aren't feeling him, don't despair! Try Buster Keaton. Although be careful about expressing your undying love for either of these silent comics, there are vehement loathers of one or the other. A divine feud, if you will, such as between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford fans (and the actresses themselves, supposedly).

This film clip comes from 1925's Gold Rush.

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