Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence

If you're looking for a fabulous read here is a wonderful tome: I Like You by Amy Sedaris. I don't care if you're anti-domesticity and all, just read this book. Take her $.25 earning tips into consideration (why isn't there a damn cent symbol key?!). I adore Amy Sedaris and all her wacky eccentricities. Her recipes are delicious too. Try the Greek Yogurt Noodle recipe (I don't remember the exact name). It sounds gross, but trust me on this one! I know food and this is good. Besides, if you're a guy: learn to cook. And wear a floral apron while in the kitchen. I think it's sexy (I'm being dead serious here).

Note: I'm copying the recipe from Amy Sedaris' book verbatim.

Yogurt Spa-ghetti
(Inspired by the book The Glorious Foods of Greece by Diane Kochilas)

5 large Vidalia onions, coarsely chopped to about the size of a postage stamp

6 tablespoons olive oil

1 pound spaghetti

2 cups Greek yogurt (thick)

1 cup coarsely grated sharp cheese, preferably Kefalotiri

1/2 cup roasted pine nuts

Fistful chopped parsley

Saute the onions in oil on medium to low heat for about a half hour, until onions are brown (caramelized). Leave them in the pan. Then boil spaghetti in salted water. Drain pasta, saving a half cup of pasta water. Mix yogurt and pasta water in a bowl, then add half the cheese and all the caramelized onions and roasted pine nuts. Toss all ingredients well. Top with remaining cheese and parsley.

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