Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Me In A Nutshell

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand should now be number 1 on your reading list.
P.S. I went to a delicious Korean restaurant last night for dinner and had bibimbap (pronounced pee-beam-bap, just say it really fast) which is a bowl of rice with beef, shredded carrots, bean sprouts, seaweed, zucchini, and an egg over easy on top. It also came with kimchi, spicy cucumber salad, egg omelet slices with onion, and spicy squash. Anyways, after my meal, I had a fortune cookie with one of thee greatest fortunes I have ever received: "You will gain new insight and inspiration within the month by reading a good book."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Helmut Newton

I spent my afternoon at the library today reading and admiring a coffee table book that included the works of Helmut Newton, a favorite photographer of mine. Probably why I like him so much is that he looks like the cutest old man yet he takes such bold, formidable photographs of women. While I have many, many favorites of his work, I found that it was very hard to post appropriate pieces! The majority is mainly nude women so I'll leave that up to you to research.

His life is also extremely interesting to read about. He was born in Berlin in the 20s, experienced firsthand the discrimination of Jews during WWII, and visited many exotic places (Australia, Monte Carlo, etc.). Unfortunately, he passed away in 2004 from a car accident and was interred next to Marlene Dietrich (another reason why I like him)! His autobiography is a really great read as his personality is quite frank, pleasant, and insightful.
And if you're curious, my favorite photograph out of the four is the last one (remember to click on a photo to enlarge if you want a better peek).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Photograph taken c. 1990s by Helmut Newton for Yves Saint Laurent
I'm really drawn to this particular photo because I love the whole androgynous look. Yes, this is a woman, and yes, she is oozing swagger.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm Moving

Just to let you all know, I'm moving October 3rd and may be busy after that settling in to the new place. And looking for a job. In the mean time, I'll try to post a bit in order to make up for any lost reading.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fred Gwynne's Secret Identity

If you've ever watched Pet Sematary, you're familiar with the cute old man played by Fred Gwynne.

He also played Herman Munster in the 60s TV show, The Munsters. He even wrote a few children's books .. who knew?